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награды лучшего партнера за достижение высокого профессионализма в своей области




The Emma Klinik has offered high-performance medicine in Seligenstadt for over ten years. With 16 specialist departments and more than 20 consultants, the clinic covers a very wide spectrum of medicine. Each year at the Emma Klinik around 5,400 out-patient operations are performed and a further 750 requiring in-patient after-care. We aim to make sure that our patients receive optimal advice and feel well looked after and comfortable before, during and after surgery. As a patient you will enjoy the benefits of treatment by our specialised and highly experienced consultants who work only in their own particular field of expertise, as well as very gentle, state-of-the-art methods, ultra-modern technology and theatre equipment and a pleasant, personal atmosphere.

лет опыта
20 547
здоровых пациентов
более 172
более 570
операций в год
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Опытный детский врач уролог-андролог проконсультирует,
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помощи при обострении патологии.
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